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Manupelli Giving Circle, Sustaining Support for AAFF Six Years Later

George Manupelli

In 2018, we hosted an informal Ann Arbor Film Festival (AAFF) get together at Spencer, thanks to Abby Olitzky and Steve Hall who generously provided refreshments and the beautiful atmosphere of their bespoke restaurant, to launch our Manupelli Giving Circle (MGC). The gathering was attended by a core group of AAFF’s most committed champions, each of whom were encouraged to say a few words about their personal connection with and reasons for supporting the festival. They were invited to make a sustaining pledge over 5 years with a $500 minimum annual gift. Over the past six years, 18 of our most dedicated supporters made this pledge, and for that we are so grateful!

Their sustaining support allowed us the ability to focus on programming, outreach, and other fundraising projects including award endowments (2018-present) and the “Pay Artists” initiative (launched in 2020).

With more than half of our MGC members completing their 5-year pledge this fiscal year (ending on May 31, 2023), we are planning a special occasion in June to celebrate the positive impact of the Manupelli Giving Circle on the festival. We encourage you to join us for this event and become a member of this rock star group of AAFF supporters by pledging a minimum annual gift of $500 for each of 5 years.

If you are one of the twelve Giving Circle members who are completing your pledge this fiscal year, please consider renewing and increasing your annual pledged amount. Your support is crucial in helping us achieve our unrestricted revenue goal this fiscal year.

If you wish to join us, both at this event and as a Manupelli Giving Circle member, kindly reach out to me at for further details and an invitation to our upcoming exclusive event. Space at the venue is limited, so please get in touch straightaway.

April 23, 2023



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