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Design a Trailer for the 62nd Ann Arbor Film Festival

November 4, 2023

The 62nd Ann Arbor Film Festival will take place March 26-31, 2024 (online March 26 - April 7), just five months away, and we are trying to imagine how to top the spectacular trailer created for us by Steve Wood for the 61st festival earlier this year: if you haven't seen it, well, take sixty seconds right now and watch it here!

Where better to find a worthy successor to Steve's work than by reaching out to our astounding global community of filmmakers and asking for a trailer that distills the essence of AAFF into a glorious minute of experimental filmmaking that will inspire and expand our audience. This primary 62nd AAFF trailer will join an array of additional trailers created by students and AAFF interns.

If you are a filmmaker willing to take on this challenge - and we hope you do! - create a 30-second trailer for the 62nd Ann Arbor Film Festival and send an email to with the subject line 62AAFF TRAILER SUBMISSION and a link to watch it online. The deadline for submitting a link to your 30-second trailer is Monday, December 4, 2023.

On Friday, December 15, AAFF staff will select the trailer that we feel best expresses the spirit of this festival that has been bending minds since 1963. While we want you to be experimental, of course, we will be looking for a trailer that will inspire an all-ages audience. The trailer must clearly include the full name of the festival, the in-person and online dates, and our website:

We will ask the filmmaker whose work is chosen to create a full 60-second trailer and add provided sponsor information and AAFF logo to both trailers. The deadline for completing both the 30-second and the 60-second trailers will be Monday, January 15, 2024. The filmmaker will be paid for the completed trailers, which will be shown at the festival as well as being posted to the AAFF website, our Vimeo and YouTube pages, and our social media platforms. Please direct any questions to

We can't wait to see what you cook up!

background image: Steve Wood, 61 AAFF Trailer



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