*DVDs at the retail price shown here are for individual use. If you are interested in making an institutional purchase—such as for a campus library or other educational venue—please contact opsassistant@aafilmfest.org.
Enjoy a decade of award-winning and select short films from the oldest experimental and avant-garde film festival in North America - The Ann Arbor Film Festival, founded by George Manupelli in 1963.
This ten-volume set contains the first ten volumes of our DVD collection, containing films from Festivals 46-55.
The mission of the Ann Arbor Film Festival is to promote bold, visionary filmmakers through the advancement of film and new media art; we seek to engage communities with remarkable cinematic experiences.
**These films have not been rated. All rights reserved to the artists. Any unauthorized use, including copying, reproduction, broadcast, or paid exhibition in public is prohibitied.
The Ann Arbor Film Festival is open to experimental films as well as films that demonstrate a high regard for the moving image as an experimental art form, no matter the genre. Each year the AAFF selects 100-145 shorts and features for exhibition in the awards competition portion of the festival.
Films previously submitted may not be re-entered unless there has been a significant change to the edit. Later versions of a film may be reviewed and/or selected at the programmer's discretion.
Short and feature-length entries are accepted.
Short films run no longer than 60 minutes. Feature films run 60 minutes or more.
Entries not in English should have English subtitles.
Works in progress may be submitted, but are juried in the same pool as all other submissions.
Work must be contemporary - completed within the last three years.
Entry fees are per film entered, and must accompany the entry form for confirmation. Entry fees are non-refundable.
Make checks and money orders payable to the Ann Arbor Film Festival.
The Ann Arbor Film Festival does not give waivers or discounts.
Entries are accepted via secure online screening and 16mm only. We do not accept DVD, VHS or video data files for screening purposes.
If you would like the festival to preview a 16mm print of your film, please contact the festival directly at submissions@aafilmfest.org to make arrangements.