Opening Night | 62nd Ann Arbor Film Festival
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​Opening Night Party Ticket Prices:

$85 - General Admission

$60 - Seniors / AAFF and MTF Members

$50 - Students


$14 - Screening only ($10 Seniors | $8 Students)


Opening Night Party | 6:30 – 8pm 

Michigan Theater Grand Foyer

Celebrate the first night of the festival with drinks and food generously provided by Ann Arbor area businesses including Ann Arbor Distilling Company, Café Zola, Frita Batidos, Hear.Say Brewing, Mothfire Brewing Co., Sava’s, Teahaus, Venue by 4M, Vinology. Live electronic music from alvin hill.

A ticket to Films in Competition 1 is included in the price of admission.


Films in Competition 1 | 8:15pm 

Michigan Theater Main Auditorium 

The 63rd AAFF kicks off with this selection of experimental, narrative, and animated films that feature a game you can’t win or lose, a sound poetry visualization inspired by Kurt Schwitters, a journey to the fridge to satisfy hunger, an enchanting landscape expedition, a descent into sensory deterioration, displaced people as photos and films come to life, a video-game-like drawing experience, and a microscopic meditation inspired by W. Teignmouth Shore.


Knight’s After-Party | 9:30pm–11:30pm | free
600 E Liberty St

​jazz by the Jonathan Hammonds Trio.

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